JoeAcevedo.comCustomCon 39

Marvel Legends Super Adaptoid Build-A-Figure Series

Customizer: Chris Robinson (CRobTheCreator)
Facebook Page:


The Machinesmith custom action figure
The Machinesmith:
Body: Star Wars Black Series Luke Skywaler 
Head: Man of Steal Movie Masters Zod with Apoxie Sculpt 

Cyclops custom action figure
Cyclops (with Variant):
Hulk Movie Abomination 
Craft Foam 
Fodder Weapons 

The Elite custom action figure
The Elite: 
Body: Ghost Busters Walter Peck 
Head: X-Men Classics Angel with Apoxie Sculpt 

The Jackel custom action figure
The Jackel:
Head: Marvel Legends Luke Cage 
Body: Marvel Legends Havoc and Sota Ken Feet 

Nomad custom action figure
Head: Marvel Legends 3 pack Captain America Head with Apoxie Sculpt
Body: Marvel legends Commander rogers with Marvel Legends Cyclops forearms and feet
Cape: Dc Universe Classics Ultraman 
Belt: Craft foam 

Baron Blood custom action figure
Baron Blood:
Head: Batman Unlimited Vampire Batman
Body: Marvel Legends Black Spiderman with Big time Spiderman legs.
Wings: Batman Unlimited Vampire Batman with magnets
Collar: Craft Foam

Super Adaptoid custom action figure
Build-A-Figure Super Adaptoid 
Head and Body: NFL Cleatus version 2 with Marvel Select Thor Helmet wings and Magnets
Weapons: Fodder Captain America shield and Gundam gun 

All characters and logos are © and ™ by their respective companies.